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Why Do Crackheads Lose Their Teeth


Because meth can block or lessen the effects of dental pain, meth users often don't experience the pain that would be expected of such extensive tooth decay. Meth causes the vessels that supply blood to oral tissues to shrink - and teeth and gums need blood in order to stay healthy. Another possible explanation: as one smokes crack, there may be some residual hydrochloric acid remaining from the process that is exposed to your teeth and breaks them down. This is why cocaine users lose their nose, the cocaine hydrochloride (coke) leaves a weak hydrochloride acid once the cocaine is absorbed from the system and breaks down the nasal bones. The crack messes up there teeth and when they high they dont brush they teeth because they forget. Because of all the caustic chemicals found in the drugs they use. Meth is probably the worse on teeth, hence the knickname 'meth mouth'. They sell their teeth to the tooth fairy for more crack money.

I have a question, does heroin effect your teeth especially if you are snorting it, I am pretty sure it would be just wanted confirmation.' In the last few months my ex had to have 11 teeth pulled out of the back of his mouth, I know sounds gross but you cant' really tell because he still has his front teeth, he is claiming many excuses but I would assume it's due to the drugs, could someone verify for me.

He's been using heroin for about 3 years maybe longer, he goes through times when he is clean almost a year then he starts again, then about 5 months and then he starts again. I don't mind talking about it. First I wanted off the sh&t real bad, it had brought me to my knees.

It took 3 ct within about an 8 mo period to kick. I also had to leave my family of 8 bro and sis and move about an hour away to put distance between me and my dealer. I have walked away from that addiction but into the arms of another. I wish thinking back I would have attended meetings as I never took into account the power of addiction I thought I beat the Gorilla so I was safe, not true.

After care is very important!! I will be back in about 45 min if you would like to know more just ask sharing is what gets us thru this Limbo. I don't mind talking about it. First I wanted off the sh&t real bad, it had brought me to my knees. It took 3 ct within about an 8 mo period to kick. I also had to leave my family of 8 bro and sis and move about an hour away to put distance between me and my dealer.

I have walked away from that addiction but into the arms of another. I wish thinking back I would have attended meetings as I never took into account the power of addiction I thought I beat the Gorilla so I was safe, not true. After care is very important!! I will be back in about 45 min if you would like to know more just ask sharing is what gets us thru this Limbo.show. Im curious to know how people get addicted. Heroin has such a stigma as do others and can't imagine someone at a party saying here is heroin you want to try it?

Is it slipped into something or u r told it's something different? Edius 7.2 project file. There are many other less addictive drugs. Just curious how u got started.

Im here cause I think a friend is an addict and Thot meth but after reading signs, she matches heroin more. Teeth are very dark so Thot also meth. Will binge eat 5 to ten chocolate bars in a few hours.

Meetings and people in the rooms saved my life. The addict has to want it; they have to acknowledge a problem.

Rehab helped me get clean and NA keeps me clean. You have to change everything. Block old using friends and dealers, stop talking to people in active addiction, stop going around where you got high. The way I stay clean is by hanging out with people in recovery and asking for help. Just attend one meeting and see how it makes you feel. Open up and share.

Ask for help. It works if you put forth effort. If you want to stay clean you can do it.

The disease of addiction is a beast. I relapsed multiple times this year but had 2 years in the past. I have 42 days now and have never felt better.

Using the tools necessary and asking for help makes a huge difference. People get addicted to heroin because they choose to anyone who tells you different is a liar, they all know how addictive it is.

Addiction only comes with prolonged use so these users know dam well what will happen. Addicts will tell you otherwise. You don't accidentally get addicted to heroin.

Another thing for those who are thinking of trying this drug, it's just not that good, believe me there are better 'highs' all this nonsense about euphoria is bs, I've done heroin, overdosed accidentally, burnt all my arms as so called friends propped me up against the hot radiator while I was unconscious, obviously no pain was felt, luckily my life was saved by someone coming the high rise block and knocking on the door, otherwise they was gonna throw me out the window and say I fell as they panicked. I never did it again, it's a. drug, smoke a spliff you feel a lot better. Im curious to know how people get addicted. Heroin has such a stigma as do others and can't imagine someone at a party saying here is heroin you want to try it?

Is it slipped into something or u r told it's something different? There are many other less addictive drugs. Just curious how u got started. Im here cause I think a friend is an addict and Thot meth but after reading signs, she matches heroin more. Teeth are very dark so Thot also meth. Will binge eat 5 to ten chocolate bars in a few hours.show.

Heroin and it's effects on teeth I have a question, does heroin effect your teeth especially if you are snorting it, I am pretty sure it would be just wanted confirmation.' In the last few months my ex had to have 11 teeth pulled out of the back of his mouth, I know sounds gross but you cant' really tell because he still has his front teeth, he is claiming many excuses but I would assume it's due to the drugs, could someone verify for me. He's been using heroin for about 3 years maybe longer, he goes through times when he is clean almost a year then he starts again, then about 5 months and then he starts again.show.

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The question is pretty straightforward. Crack is a drug everyone has heard of and everyone knows about; to some extent. It's a drug that is well-known for it's devastating effects on the user and many cliches and stereotypes abound today when the word 'crackhead' is used. But, for most people, very little (if anything) is known about just how this drug affects those who use it, as well as the lifestyle that is part and parcel of the addiction. I have been away from the board for quite a while.

In that time, I learned that someone I had known for more than three years was in fact addicted to crack cocaine. This was someone who I previously thought was 'only' struggling with a heroin addiction. If I only knew just how much that heroin addiction paled in comparison to the unmitigated evil that is crack addiction. There is drug addiction and then there is crack addiction. Crack is a unique drug.

I thought I knew a whole lot about drugs and what goes on in the drug culture-but I was blown away when I began to peer below the surface and research this drug. I knew NOTHING about crack. And I bet most here don't either. Crack is cocaine but it's more pure and because it's smoked it hits the brain much more quickly than powdered coke. When a person takes that first hit, they are immediately engulfed in the most intense, pleasurable, orgasmic wave that has ever been experienced.

And it only lasts five minutes. The combination of the intensity of the high with the short duration is what makes crack crack. The user is quickly left just wanting more, and then more and more. The long-term recovery rate for crack addiction (being 15+years) is 3%.

When Do Kids Lose Teeth

That is lower than any other drug. And it's because of the lifestyle/drug combination. Crack and sex are inseparable. Not only is sex a primary payment method for many addicts, but sex itself is the main activity taking place when users smoke. The high makes them hypersexual and horny; they lose all inhibitions and will have sex with anybody.

So a big part of the reason treatment fails is it is only treating half the addiction: crack addicts are often suffering dual addictions-drug addiction and sex addiction. And crackheads are not all like the toothless whore with scabs on her lips giving blowjobs for $5 on the corner. I was fooled for three years. And this person's family was fooled to.

I was the bearer of bad news to the family. It wasn't fun. If a crackhead has someone to leech off of, someone who is taking care of them, they can keep up the appearance of normalcy for quite some time. And crackheads are very good manipulators and exceptional liars; they have to be because absolutely every single word out of a crackhead's mouth is a lie.

Now this was not someone I was particularly close to, but it still was an unbelievably sad experience for me. However, what I have learned about the world has been a remarkable thing. Life is a humbling experience. That link is for anyone who would like to read more about the life. Just from an academic point of view, it's fascinating stuff.

In a dark way. Yes, I have known a few of them although they aren't all stereotypical. One was a black guy a worked with in high school. He and his girlfriend turned up missing for some time.

Both of them were eventually found. He killed her and then fled and is doing life for it. Another was a very imposing black lady. She was a true crack whore at many points by any definition of the word. She somehow got her act cleaned up enough to go to college and become a motivational speaker on drug issues. She is very persuasive and talented. Another one is a 50 something white upper-midldle class guy.

He lost his family and his CFO job when he got busted for buying crack in the projects and it made the news. I don't know how he is doing these days but he was a true crackhead and didn't fit the profile at all. Okay cool, so livinginhell is apparently our resident expert on the physical cues and symptoms of someone being addicted to crack. If I knew any crackheads this would be good to know. He also seems to be an expert in the usage of the term crackhead, so I hope I'm using it correctly.

You're being sarcastic, right? Because everything he has said about crackheads is wrong (okay, both things).

Including that use does not mean addiction. It's pretty commonly known that crack can be devastatingly addicting with just one use- if you're using it regularly, you are surely a crackhead.

The little girl who lived across the street from us grew up to be a crack whore. We moved in when she was 8 yrs old.

We've lived here 17 yrs. About 5 years ago, I realized I never saw her around. I saw the other kids from time to time.

Two had moved out, but this girl and her youngest sister still lived at home. Then one day she was back home and had a baby. Her mom seemed pretty excited about a grandbaby and was showing her off.

After a while, I didn't see the girl anymore, but I still saw the baby. About a year or so went. Then one day I saw her mom out with the sister and the baby.

She told me she and her husband were getting ready to go to court to have her daughter's parental rights terminated and get full custody of the baby. Up until this point I didn't really know what was going on, so I asked and the mom replied, 'She's a crack whore and she only wants the baby when she thinks it will help her get money.' She went on far longer and in far more detail than I ever needed to know, but she seemed like once she started talking she couldn't stop. I felt so awful for her. The older two were having careers and buying homes and stuff, the youngest was doing well in high school.

She was just like, 'I guess 3 for 4 isn't that bad, is it?' I could tell she was angry and in pain.

I didn't know what to say. The little girl who lived across the street from us grew up to be a crack whore. We moved in when she was 8 yrs old. We've lived here 17 yrs. About 5 years ago, I realized I never saw her around. I saw the other kids from time to time. Two had moved out, but this girl and her youngest sister still lived at home.

Then one day she was back home and had a baby. Her mom seemed pretty excited about a grandbaby and was showing her off. After a while, I didn't see the girl anymore, but I still saw the baby. About a year or so went.

Then one day I saw her mom out with the sister and the baby. She told me she and her husband were getting ready to go to court to have her daughter's parental rights terminated and get full custody of the baby.

Up until this point I didn't really know what was going on, so I asked and the mom replied, 'She's a crack whore and she only wants the baby when she thinks it will help her get money.' She went on far longer and in far more detail than I ever needed to know, but she seemed like once she started talking she couldn't stop.

I felt so awful for her. The older two were having careers and buying homes and stuff, the youngest was doing well in high school. She was just like, 'I guess 3 for 4 isn't that bad, is it?' I could tell she was angry and in pain. I didn't know what to say. Maybe you could start by not saying things like 'crack whore'?

She is a human being. That's pretty harsh, Alice. You're speaking in a general and hateful way about a group of people who struggle with a powerful disease. I don't give a fuck. I've had them knock on my door at 10 pm wanting to sell broken VCRs and at midnight wanting to sell me used movies. I've had one kick my car off a jack in the driveway when I went to get the tire patched, because I wouldn't buy their shit. I've had them test my doorknob in the middle of the night to see if it might be unlocked.

I've had them offer my teenaged sons hits off their pipes for money. I've had one throw a rock through my boyfriend's window when I was spending the night. I've heard so many sob stories about broken down cars and babies not having food, could I just spare a few bucks? Shit gets old.

I don't know where you live- Nebraska? But crackheads can be dangerous and real assholes, and I'm the sole protector of my family. You're damn right I detest them. No, Im asking if you've known them personally, known them as friends or family. Because it is only then that you can truly understand this drug and how it changes a person. It sucks every single ounce of humanity out of the person.

It's difficult to communicate the magnitude of this concept but a person who smokes crack is gone-that's it. Sure, there are exceptions (and I have theories about that) but by and large those who develop a crack habit are forever lost.

And to witness it before your very eyes, it is disturbing. And the thing that is difficult to understand, at least one of the things, is that crackheads enjoy this life; a life of filth and depravity. It's where they can be free and unfeeling.

Sure, when they are 'down' they are consumed with shame, guilt and crashing depression thinking about the things that they did to get the crack and the things that went on while high; all that does is fuel their motivation to find more crack to alleviate the pain. And it was only after I realized this friend had a crack addiction did I piece together the truth that she was using heroin in order to make these 'down times' more bearable and easier. I come to find out this is not uncommon among crack addicts. I didn't know it at first but I eventually put two and two together by listening to her on her cell phone late at night (she always talked outside on her front porch; she was my next door neighbor). Unfortunately I didn't put two and two together BEFORE she broke into my house while I was at church and made off with a ton of our DVDs and part of MrPanda's sword collection and also some of his tools. (Stupid me had invited her to go to church with me - just a low key Friday night ladies thing - she said yes, then when it was time to go was nowhere to be found.

She knew the house would be empty and made her move while I was gone.) I get mad at myself just thinking about it. I should have known.

Well, I will leave you two to your very strong feelings. Not just those two. Most people that have known crackheads and other addicts of drugs like heroin feel the same way and justifiably so. They were once real people and there is a remote chance that they will be again someday but you are basically fighting the zombie wars while they are addicted. I have no idea why somebody would think otherwise. They are not their former selves and shouldn't be treated as such.

Crack whore is a very apt term BTW. What else do you call someone who stands by the street to give $10 blow jobs solely to buy the next crack rock? The reformed lady that I described earlier is one of the most imposing people I ever met and she freely described her former self that way. I've known several crackheads, a couple of them pretty well. They were a group of people who tried it, and unlike most others, kept using it. Some of them after jail or rehab, stopped. Not totally right away, I knew they were still doing it, but it didn't consume their lives anymore.

I haven't seen them for some time now, so any or all of them could have flushed their lives down the toilet by now. The rest never stopped unless they were in jail or rehab, and then jumped right back in the gutter again when they got out. They were not sub-human, or non-human, and they didn't really have a disease by my definition. They were just addicts, and addicted to an insidious mind and soul warping drug.

In every case they were from the beginning on the fringe of society. Problems with the law, school, family, minimal job skills, living on the edge of disaster, all before they turned their brains to mush with crack. The only difference I saw between them and the coke heads was the coke heads had money, and a sympathetic support structure after they got out of rehab. Not just those two. Most people that have known crackheads and other addicts of drugs like heroin feel the same way and justifiably so.

They were once real people and there is a remote chance that they will be again someday but you are basically fighting the zombie wars while they are addicted. I have no idea why somebody would think otherwise.

They are not their former selves and shouldn't be treated as such. Crack whore is a very apt term BTW. What else do you call someone who stands by the street to give $10 blow jobs solely to buy the next crack rock? The reformed lady that I described earlier is one of the most imposing people I ever met and she freely described her former self that way. I know people who have struggled with this addiction.


We can agree to disagree that everyone deserves to be treated as a human being, regardless of their character flaws. Wait til one of them's after your kid, your stuff, your livelihood. You'll change your tune. Your kid is made out of crack? I knew a guy who said he was always depressed as long as he could remember, had tried all sorts of recreational drugs and one day he tried meth and wow he said it was like the depression lifted and he could now think normally and live like a human being. He managed to convince a psychiatrist to RX him some variety of amphetamine(I don't know if he told the truth or not) and was taking it daily and said it was a godsend as it finally let him live life not in a depressed shell.

I sometimes wonder how many coke, meth, and crackheads could live a decent life if they were only medicated instead of having to chase down street drugs and get put in cages. Is that the same son who you were asking Dopers for advice on the best way to have him declared a Ward of the State, so you wouldn't have to care for him any longer? No, actually. I was considering entering him into a group home because of the depression and violent behaviors that he was suffering at the time. I also stated quite openly that I had decided not to pursue that, and to keep him at home. (And yes, he's much better now and doing well, thanks for asking.) Why throw that up in my face now?

What's your point? I said it because that is the exact phrase her mother used when she told me the situation. The girl had literally turned to prostitution to pay for her habit. And it's not simply that they turn to prostitution-other addicts do this as well; heroin, etc.

What is different, and what makes other prostitutes look down on crackwhores (who are both men and women, make no mistake) is the demeaning, anything-goes whoring of one's body for the tiniest bit of money or of the drug. They will do anything; with anybody. And for those who think they knew of someone who used crack but wasn't 'like that'; trust me: THEY WERE. You just didn't know about it.