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School Timetable Generator Excel


2019-9-16  FET is an opensource software that automatically generates a timetable for you. Whether you are a student or a teacher, this tool will be immensely helpful in creating a perfect timetable for your school, high-school, or university. Almost everyone who needs to create a timetable uses MS Excel or other similar program for this job. Back to School; Class schedule; Class schedule. College credit planner Excel. Thousands of templates to jump start your project.

Hi experts I am done surfing for a simple school timetable. My grandson has asked me if I can produce a timetable in MS Excel.

As a grandfather, I quickly said yes to his question and produced it, but what happens next year when he asks me again, I thought. Why not produce a timetable as an array and get it to populate the table automatically. The key data being days Mon - Fri inclusive and 5 periods per day plus the subjects, tutor and room. I have tried but cannot find the solution. So I wondered if you excel genii could assist please.

I upload the file for your perusal, hoping you may assist me. Worksheet LEGEND has all the array data. DESIRED OUTPUT is the desired output. Thanks Regards tezza73.

Creating a timetable in excel

I'll try to describe it in more detail. Let's say there are 30 teachers: 20 full time and 10 part time. Each school day has 11 lessons (30 mins each) and over a 5 day week, a full time teacher teaches 40 (out of 55) lessons. Part times vary, so if a teacher was 0.8, they would teach 32 lessons.

Each teacher (FT or PT) is then given their list of subjects (normally 5 for a FT). As well, each student in year 7 and 8 has a set subject list that they do. Years9-12 also have elective subjects. So by yr 11, maths is not compulsory, so out of 50 year 11s, maybe 30 will choose a maths subject. So we have a list of teachers with their subjects, and a list of students with their subjects. The data from those lists have to be combined to produce a weekly timetable containing 55 lessons, where (obviously) each teacher's subjects cannot be on at the same time, and also each student must have no clashes. If a student chooses to do maths with teacher A and biology with teacher B, then those two subjects cannot be scheduled at the same time.) The day's lesson structure is 4 lessons, then a break, then 3 lessons, then a break, then 3 lessons, then finish.

Yes, that adds up to 10, I know. The 11th lesson is only used for year 11s and 12s, but it still counts as a lesson. So lessons can be either single, double, triple, or occasionally, quadruples. Also, there would be a list of how many lessons each subject had. Maths in year 8 might have 6 lessons. So the options would be 3 doubles, 6 singles, 2 triples, 2 doubles and 2 singles etc etc.

But ideally, you would try and make the lessons spread over the week, and probably want no more than 3 separate sessions. 3 doubles would be ideal). But then yr 12 maths might have 9 lessons. Then there are issues of the part time teachers not coming in to work 2 lessons and then going home. There would be minimum amounts of time they'd need to be at work.

So a part time teacher doing 0.5 would probably have 2 days off, and their lessons would have to be (by default) scheduled into the remaining 3. You can see this could be messy. I'm guessing that by now, you've either had some brainwave about how to make it happen, or decided that it's not worth it. I was thinking of starting with a much simpler case and seeing if something could work (eg. 5 teachers, 50 students acorss grades and 4 days perhaps). What's your take on it all?

I'd love to use Excel if it's possible, because I'm enjoying getting to know it more but 'a man's got to know his limitations'. Thanks for any advice. Wow, that is messy; and it's definitely something that you're going to have to develop on your own with help on specific issues from this board, but I think it can be done, and here's how I would think you need to structure your solution: I'd suggest starting by creating a master class matrix for each student by grade. This would identify by student (say on rows in col A) what grade they're in (Col B) and what classes are required/taken (col c onwards). Every student's name would identify what subject was needed to be taken. On the last row you'd sum up how many students needed to eventually take each class, and from that, manually determine how many teachers were needed for each class based on class size alone. On another sheet, I'd create another list just like the one above, but with teachers' names qualified to teach those classes; and maybe how many classes a day they can teach based on part-time or full-time status; again summing totals at the bottom to get the maximum classes that can be theoretically taught by one teacher without regard to how many class periods per day are available.

This is your fundamental data that you would work from. The trick now is to copy the first student schedule to another sheet and modify it to show what classes need to be offered to meet student's needs for the current school semester. I think that while you could generate this list automatically, the time and effort probably warrants doing it by inspection (i.e., manually), and displaying a final timetable matrix that has to be filled in by trial and error. All that said; have you googled things like 'lesson plan excel' or similar? I bet there are excel workbook templates available that will do what you need. If not, think about this structure, play around with it, and then post back with other questions. Sorry I didn't give you a more direct and useful answer.

Weekly Work Schedule Excel Template

Primary school timetable

Regards, John. Its like a scheduling problem also, right? Aside from how to implement it in excel, the difficult part is how to automate the 'thinking' part, the one ACommanLineKindaGuy suggested to do manually. I am a novice in automating excel, but if you like math a little bit, I think Excel Solver can help you with the scheduling part using optimization.

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If you could formulate a mathematical equtation for it, you could then call Solver to make a scedhule for you. The trick is the equation fomulation. There are some optomization excel sheets and programs available to do that, not sure though if there's a specific one for scheduling that is in excel.